[Sports statistics] (http://stat.golpas.com/stat/) is the most important component of any sports forecasts, and hence successful bets on future events. Using various statistics, with a certain probability, you can predict the outcome of a sporting event.

["Sports Statistics"] section (http://stat.golpas.com/stat/) on the website golpas.com has a very simple navigation system. And in order to make the use of the section even easier, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this overview.

Abbreviations and symbols

In the statistical tables on our site, the following abbreviations are used, they must be read before working with the table, in order to avoid confusion and difficulties in the perception of information.

G – Games

P – Points

W – Wins

T – Ties

L – Losses

OV – -Overtime wins

OL – Overtime losses

GS – Goals scored

GM – Goals missed

GD – Goal difference

GF – Goals for

GA – Goals against

GF – Goal difference

AG – Away goals

SW – Sets won

SL – Sets lost

SOW – Shoot Out Win

SOL – Shoot Out Loss

Victories are marked by a green square or colour, losses are red, ties are white-green. The final results (games, points and goals scored) are also displayed in the tables. In addition, in the results for individual teams you will be able to see the details of how particular goals were scored or points were scored.

General information

When you enter the statistics section, you see several main sections. You can choose the sport you are interested in in the list that is located in the upper left corner of the screen.

Statistics general information

Below, directly under the sports list, there is a list of the latest played matches with the results. Selecting from the list the pair (country-country, team-team, player-player) that you are interested in, you will see the details of this game, as well as the results of each country/team/player for the last year and the outcome of the joint games over the last year.

Selecting the events that are now in the line, you can immediately go to the betting mode in the line. Selecting any of the nearest matches, you can not only specify, for example, the date of the game, but also view the statistics of the games of each of the two teams over the past year.

Sports and Competitions

The golpas.com site statistics service displays statistics for the competitions in various sports: football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, handball, tennis, futsal, hockey, ball hockey etc. This allows you to see the whole picture for a particular sport.

Statistics for different sports

How to find information about a particular team?

Statistics view mode allows you to see different indices (number of games played, wins and ties, goals scored, attendance of matches etc.) both for the tournament as a whole and for individual group or team. In order to find statistics information for a specific team, choose the sport, the team country, the type of competition and the season (that is, the year you are interested in).

Team Results

Information about the past

Statistics section of golpas.com site contains a table with the results of some previous years competitions (NBA, NHL) that you can use to recall how successful your best club was in bygone seasons, with a principal rival, examine the advantages and disadvantages of teams. And thus, you can imagine how the coming battle will develop.

Statistics on competitions of the passed years

Information about the future competitions

For the purpose if compiling long-term forecasts, the site presents information on the most important upcoming events, such as the World Cup qualifying matches.

Information on the upcoming events

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